
Unmatched Performance & Durability since 1983

JPrecision specializes in high performance machining of engines components. We let your local qualified mechanics to do the final assembly. Contact your local dealer for more details.

It only takes one pass on a dyne or a quick ride on an open road to fully appreciate the exceptional performance offered by JPrecision heads. Cylinder heads modified and upgraded by JPrecision are simply the most powerful and reliable that money can buy.

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Unmatched Performance & Durability since 1983

JPrecision specializes in high performance machining of engines components. We let your local qualified mechanics to do the final assembly. Contact your local dealer for more details.

It only takes one pass on a dyne or a quick ride on an open road to fully appreciate the exceptional performance offered by JPrecision heads. Cylinder heads modified and upgraded by JPrecision are simply the most powerful and reliable that money can buy.

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Adrenaline and Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Adrenaline and Satisfaction Guaranteed!


All Ducati 748 / 848 / 888 / 916 / 996

The optimization for those heads includes:

  • Intake valve seats are replaced by high chrome alloy seats.
  • Intake and exhaust ports are CNC ported for optimum air flow and velocity.
  • Combustion chambers are polished and blended with the seats.
  • Installation of new AV&V™ manganese bronze valve guides.
  • Multi angle HP seat job is done on a Newen CNC machine.
  • Surfacing of the head gasket decks.
  • AV&V™ Extreme Duty High Flow valves and AV&V™ high temp. resistant valve seals.
  • Intake manifolds are ported and matched with the intake ports.
  • The heads are washed in an ultrasonic bath and are ready for reassembly.



We clean and bring back your old Ducati heads to OEM specs. This package includes new valve seats, head milling and Ultrasonic bath cleaning.

JPrecision offers the full range of machining services. From casting repairs to
combustion chamber renovation we have the equipment, tooling and expertise.
