
Unmatched Performance & Durability since 1983

JPrecision specializes in high performance machining of engines components. We let your local qualified mechanics to do the final assembly. Contact your local dealer for more details.

It only takes one pass on a dyne or a quick ride on an open road to fully appreciate the exceptional performance offered by JPrecision heads. Cylinder heads modified and upgraded by JPrecision are simply the most powerful and reliable that money can buy.

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Unmatched Performance & Durability since 1983

JPrecision specializes in high performance machining of engines components. We let your local qualified mechanics to do the final assembly. Contact your local dealer for more details.

It only takes one pass on a dyne or a quick ride on an open road to fully appreciate the exceptional performance offered by JPrecision heads. Cylinder heads modified and upgraded by JPrecision are simply the most powerful and reliable that money can buy.

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Adrenaline and Satisfaction Guaranteed!

V-Rod Stage2


This head features our upgraded intake and exhaust port design and is CNC ported for optimal efficiency. The ports are then fully hand finished and have proven to provide a more efficient flow rate. This is a perfect performance upgrade for your street performance needs.

We install new oversize stainless steel valves and extreme duty manganese bronze valve guides for more durability. Works with either stock or oversize engine. Final result will depend on the combinaison of camshafts and other components used.

To download our V-Rod machining services catalog or our head work sheet, click here:
